8x Gen 2, 28 Gbaud PAM4/NRZ BERT
19" 2U box

Verfügbarkeit: Nicht auf Lager

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* Pflichtfelder

The ML4079D is a full feature 400G BERT that can be configured as an eight-channel PAM4 30 GBaud or eight-channel NRZ 30 Gbps lane. The receivers support FEC decoding (802.3bj KR4/scaled KP4) and will return the frame loss ratio for FEC scenarios and BER for unframed data. The receivers also show the eye´s Histogram and the channel´s SNR over time. The transmitters support all standard test patterns mandated by IEEE and OIF such as PRBSQ13, SSPRQ, PRBSQ31, QPRBS13-CEI, etc? The user may also program the TX to output a user-defined pattern up to 32 kb long. The transmit power is adequate for testing up to 10 Km SMF links.
Hersteller MultiLane
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